13 June 2007

USA foreign policy

Yesterday up in Vac, (see trip blog) I was having a conversation with a young friend about American news and it struck me, American news is JUST LIKE American foreign policy: it is only about America. It's no wonder Americans are among the most (if not the most) ignorant people about the rest of the world. Watch the national news, there's more about Paris in jail than about Sudan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay, now I've got that off my chest.

1 comment:

Laci and Keri NĂ©meth said...

you know the several reasons two... One of them is, that Tragedy sells. We love to see other people in trouble... Specially people we do not like that much or do not care about... Like Paris...
To help someone, to do good... NO. we are waaay more selfish...

Lazo tha explanator