11 June 2007

thoughts on quietness

quietness is hard to find... its early in the morning... im in an apartment in Budapest... near the elevator... cars race by outside... the sounds of water running... some sort of motor running... im reminded of a book i read some years ago when these modern guys wound up back in the middle ages... there were none of the above mentioned sounds, no airplanes flying over... it was quiet... silence was easy to find... we need silence as Joanna focused on in her blog... we need to MAKE time for quiet... not just for quiet's sake... for listening to God... peace be unto you, I give you my peace... Jesus said. we can't hear him if we dont listen, its hard to hear him if its too noisy, where can i go where its quiet?

1 comment:

Laci and Keri NĂ©meth said...

+ cell phone, normal phone, door bell, e-mail, ...