03 May 2007

a visit to Virginia Tech

Last night three fellow teachers and I went to VT to have dinner with some friends who used to be our students and are now students at Tech. Our hope was to be encouraging to them... One of these folks asked two of my fellow travellers if we had seen the memorials... So on the way home we drove through campus, stopped and pondered some of the memorials. Here are some pix from in front of Burris Hall. It was late dusk when we arrived, the darkness of the photos somehow seems appropriate.

the flowers surrounding the VT logo...

Around campus there were numerous banners from other schools... the message is that we are all Hokies now as we stand in unity with the Va Tech community, this is a sample that was in front of Burris from Anderson College.

After a few minutes looking at the remembrances, it was time for the long drive to C'ville... I took one more look at the scene...

I was moved by this scene... its like I could feel the loss... the grief... may God bring peace to these who hurt and have suffered so great a loss...

1 comment:

Laci and Keri NĂ©meth said...

it always moves me to see how can you Americans unite. ( in tragedy) somehow, in this part of the world we do not do that.. we do not trust each other even when should put away our differences... we stay individualists...
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