29 May 2007

peace at any price? or serving at any price?

last night there was this show on PBS about the news guys who brought Americans the news of WW2 in the midst of the blitz... ...it made me think of the UK's PM, Nevile Chamberlain... and this phrase comes to mind... "peace at any cost" ... we are in an unpopular war... I don't believe in 'peace at any cost'... but I also don't believe in 'any cost to be right' either... this applies to our national foreign policy as well as our being right about our theology and practice... WHAT? Foley are you nuts? we must be right about Theology!!!!! well, yes, there are some hills to die for... but that is SO RARELY what fights are about... fights are usually about practice, not theology... or at least theology that really matters... when are we going to learn that if we focus on serving one another, peace results? the only guys i know who argue about the other guy going first were the chipmunks... how 'bout this phrase... I should be interested in 'serving at any price'... speaking of serving at any cost... what about these guys who climbed Everest to clean up the trash of other climbers??? heard about it??? click here

1 comment:

Laci and Keri NĂ©meth said...

There is a song that is called "Why Masacre", the chorus goes something like this:
" Ideals are searching for what the masses want,
Someone wants more then he has,
With a weapon in his hand, dead bodies after him,
Someone is "making" peace for himself."

Peace comes from CHRIST, Peace comes from GRACE(as a friend of mine likes to out it in his letters) :)
Peace can not come by force... But humility and Serving can not come without CHRIST... so we should not be surprised when this Christless world is not succeding in its peace efforts...
I really love the fact that the U.S. Army is investing an enormus ammount of efforts to help, these countries, educates them, builds roads, schools, hospitals, and everything for them... I believe most of them are doing it with a true serving heart... but on the other end there is a world that is not honouring it, not respecting it... But I guess noone trully respected CHRIST service in his time eighther...