28 May 2007

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died in military service. Read the national proclamation.

Being in DC for the weekend, we had lunch near the Pentagon and while we sat outside enjoying our food an army sergeant walked by with an arm full of hash marks. I believe each hash mark represents four years of service. Many ribbons decorated his coat. A soldier who had given many years of service. I hope he and those who serve with him feel appreciated.

I served in the Air Force for four years in the mid seventies. I remember the way the guys who were leaving Viet Nam felt as they came home. I hope we will, no matter what we think of the current war, appreciate those who have served.

On Saturday, as I drove up to DC, I was passed by many 'bikes' on their way to Rolling Thunder.
Read about the 20th anniversary.

I often pass Arlington Cemetery on the way to Becca's house and the sight never fails to touch me... The News Hour has a segment tonight about it,
click here for the News Hour website.

May we remember with honor, so many who have laid down the ultimate price for our country.

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