spring breaks through the dark days...
there is a saying here in the south that the dogwood blossom comes forth around Easter to remind us of the cross of Jesus... today we celebrate the risen Christ, risen from the dark tomb...
I need to learn, I need to remember, that during the darkness it is my job to look to Him, to even develop an appreciation for that time... to take that darkness... to draw nearer to Him durimg that time...
because He willingly went
to that whipping, to that cross, into that tomb, to unite with me when I am existing in the drkness...
"O God, allow me to be willing to seek you on those days, during that hour, in that moment of darkness, help me not to seek control but to allow YOU to take care of me in the darkness. In the name of Him who joined me in my darkness. Amen"
We rise from darkness to lig

Here is Easter dinner!!!
Let us lear to appreciate and have gratitude for both dark days and for life's great bounty!
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