12 May 2007

we should slow the heck down

I have been thinking about boundaries lately...

It is my busiest time of year: school is near an end and thus going at warp 5, the reading of papers (about 750 pages worth), the giving of exams, the organizing of this and that... I enjoy the pace, but it's stressing sometimes... so I'm extra sensitive to the pace of life... so I need to recognize boundaries...

Last week the guy who was speaking at a church we attend mentioned a violinist in the Washington Metro...

I was blown away by the idea...

A leading violinist playing phenomenal music on an amazing violin for 45 or so minutes at a busy Washington D.C. Metro... who would notice? This is the question posed by the Washington Post. An article in the Washington Post Magazine, that I found long but really nicely written and fairly compelling, describes the whole deal in some detail, click here or not.

The bottom line... virtually no one noticed. Apparently one guy made time to slow down and listen. Everyone was just too busy... we should slow down...

Along those lines a friend sent me some words, that someone she knows received, that fit in this theme... think about this little tid-bit of what was said...

"To overextend yourself on any level would require a time of extended recovery" (M. Burns)

This writer then posts Psalm 32.8... I went to Psalm 32 and it really spoke to me... read the entirety of Psalm 32

As a follower of Jesus, I need to slow down... to hear the direction He has for me... I should not be like a horse or a mule... thoughtlessly and without understanding plowing ahead... I must slow down, listen to Him and follow Him... but if I refuse to stop and listen... how can I hear?

we should slow down... if you didn't go to the article above, go now and watch the video, and be warned...

to slow the heck down...

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