16 November 2006

travelin' to a conference

a couple of my colleagues and i are off to a three day conference on apologetics today... from a book I am reading by Robert Webber, The Younger Evangelicals, this idea about apologetics is put forth...

"If reason and science are no longer able to bring us truth, what will? Does the continuation of modern foundationalism, which uses reason in defense of Christianity, have any validity at all in a postmodern world?" p. 104

"There is a general agreement among younger evangelicals that the emphasis in apologetics has shifted from reason to embodiment." p. 101

I hope I can further learn how to speak in a Christian voice that can be understood... as Wm. Placher said in Unapologetic Theology: "Christian apologists can adopt the language and assumptions of their audience so thoroughly that they no longer speak with a distinctively Christian voice."

but that voice must be contextualized so that the person looking at the parade from the sidewalk can understand what the parade is about and join us travelers...


Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

The hunger here amongst some is to see and experience REAL relationship with a REAL and living God. The intellectual arguments seem to be fading in relevance. Anybody can argue anything, but who can live out what he/she says he/she believes.

revtom said...

ah yes, so true... and that is why there are so many of us in this parade... following He who leads us to the Destination... along the way we look this way and that... and stop to sit on the curb beside someone who is watching, to give them a cool cup of water, a listening ear or a comforting word or perhaps to answer a question... we are called to meet that one's need so we should "always be prepared to give an answer" when asked: "why are you travelin in this parade?" why indeed... first: because Jesus touched my heart and forgave me and because Jesus informed my mind and told me to follow His Father with all my heart soul and mind...