do you ever get spring fever?
spring is a really busy time for me...
but I think I have spring fever... here, from my front garden (yard to Americans) is the bursting forth of color from the dead leaves from last fall...
new life bursts forth from the ground...
in some conversations yesterday the topic of does God answer prayers came up... I said yes... I believe that God listens, cares and acts... but sometimes... we have to go through winter to get to spring... we need to pray and wait sometimes... so we need to hang on... spring is coming!
WOW. Thank you Tom for that post. Here in Budapest, we're slowly coming out of a very long, grey, cold winter. So this is a crisp picture for me. And even as Spring is starting to arrive, I'm also seeing God answer some prayers we've been praying for months. The process, though arduous at times, is good, and it stretches me. He is good! And we can wait on Him!
Indeed, even in times of growth, and not just waiting for answers to prayer, there is a waiting, a resting, a hibernation when God does His work inside of us...then, resurrection comes and freedom, as Jesus says, "Take off the graveclothes!"
wow tom, six days without a post.
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