03 February 2006

telling the truth

in the film "Good Night, and Good Luck" which my wife, Anna, and I just saw, we see a battle taking place for truth between a reporter, Edward R. Murrow (pic on right) who takes on Sen. Joe McCarthy in the mid 1950s over telling the truth whole truth...

this incident is about accusing people in regards to their activities that might be un-American and especially if they were communist.

truth matters... accuracy matters... careful investigation matters... conclusions based on accurate data and eye witness testimony matter...

I found this to be a captivating film, because I have staked my life on the Truth and sought to make sure the eye-witness testimony I believe is accurate... I have drawn my conclusions and made life decisions on such testimony...

I admire these men who stood up against great odds and possible ruin in their pursuit of what was right... it reminds me of some other men who were witnesses to events that some authorities were trying to squash, to hide, these men who were followers of Jesus were not deterred in their quest to tell the truth to anyone who would listen...

as we journey, we should all be so courageous that we tell the truth... because Truth is more important than cost...

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